Click, we click thousands of times every day, but sometimes a click means much more than that. We aren´t aware of the amount of information that we share by clicking, we trust in the loyalty and good will of the Internet, but we have to be aware that when we click we exchange information about us, about our preferences, such as the Facebook’s “Like” button, not only with other users, but with companies. It is not a coincidence that our interests appear more frequently in our screen without us being aware of. Advantage or disadvantage?

Facebook claims the data from the Like button is used to personalize Web content, improve its services, fix bugs and implement security features. Facebook also claims it does not use the data to track users or target advertising to them, and that it deletes or anonymizes the data within 90 days. Although Facebook has been found to collect information even if one does not click the Like button to website visited, according to Facebook’s statistics state that there are over 800 million Facebook users and over 7 million websites and apps are integrated with Facebook, that is a lot of data that is going through Facebook. However it is not clear how this data is being used, if not for targeted advertising, could this data be used by governments or lawyers?